Mudita Foundation

Finding Joy in the

Success of Others

The Mudita Foundation aims to provide tools for future doctors and nurses all over South Africa

Who We Are

At Mudita, we hope to change the health care world by supporting aspiring doctors and nurses in South Africa. Priority is given to those communities that have been historically excluded and targeted for marginalization.

What We Offer

  • Assist with medical school applications
  • Financial support
  • Mental health support and advice
  • Information for community service
  • Academic resources
  • Help with international internships

Meet Us

  1. Contact us by filling out the form below
  2. We will schedule a video chat with you
  3. We then set up an individual plan that best supports you and your needs

Project Mission

We have been friends for almost a decade, studying, traveling and going on many adventures together. Growing up with very different cultural backgrounds (German and South African) we have learned to truly embrace people as they are. As this beautiful friendship grew we realised the key to growth is having the support needed to thrive and that we became better when we both supported each other unconditionally. This created an environment that made us feel like we could accomplish anything we want. Working together in some of the harshest medical environments we quickly learnt that the world is very unfair. Our Mission is to fight for equity for everyone. This is why we want to support groups that are recovering from systematic oppression by creating a safe support sanctuary where everyone feels welcomed and equipped.

Our Goals

BBBEE Level 1

LGBTQIA+ Support

Equal Access to Education

A place where everyone feels accepted and welcome

Our Promise

We understand that every person has different needs this is why we offer a holistic approach to each individual. The only thing we ask is that you pledge to be happy for the success of your fellow Mudita family and when you do succeed to help us help others.

Get In Touch

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